2012-07-13: 0.47 |
Percent |
Ending Friday
Updated: Jul 16, 2012 6:02 AM CDT
Next Release Date: Not Available
2012-07-13: | 0.47 | |
2012-07-06: | 2.29 | |
2012-06-29: | 1.12 | |
2012-06-22: | -0.24 | |
2012-06-15: | -0.87 | |
View All |
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Source: Haver Analytics
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Release: Weekly Treasury Inflation-Indexed Securities
Units: Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Weekly, Ending Friday
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, are securities whose principal is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The principal increases with inflation and decreases with deflation. When the security matures, the U.S. Treasury pays the original or adjusted principal, whichever is greater.
Averages of business days. Yield to maturity on accrued principal.
Calculated from data provided by the Wall Street Journal.
Copyright, 2016, Haver Analytics. Reprinted with permission.
Haver Analytics and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 10-Year 3% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2012 (DISCONTINUED) [WTP10L12], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WTP10L12, .
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