Money, Banking, & Finance (12,000+)
Interest Rates (430+)
Exchange Rates (9+)
Monetary Data (1,100+)
Financial Indicators (2,000+)
Banking (5,200+)
Business Lending (2,200+)
Foreign Exchange Intervention (3+)
Population, Employment, & Labor Markets (47,000+)
Current Population Survey (Household Survey) (6,800+)
Current Employment Statistics (Establishment Survey) (390+)
ADP Employment (3+)
Education (5,100+)
Income Distribution (220+)
Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLTS) (200+)
Labor Market Conditions (340+)
Population (11,000+)
Productivity & Costs (18,000+)
Minimum Wage (3+)
Weekly Initial Claims (9+)
Tax Data (1,600+)
National Accounts (55,000+)
National Income & Product Accounts (13,000+)
Federal Government Debt
Flow of Funds (41,000+)
U.S. Trade & International Transactions (360+)
Production & Business Activity (84,000+)
Business Cycle Expansions & Contractions (210+)
Business Surveys
Construction (60+)
Emissions (6+)
Expenditures (17,000+)
Finance Companies (100+)
Health Insurance
Housing (47,000+)
Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization (2,000+)
Manufacturing (1,100+)
Patents (3,800+)
Retail Trade (100+)
Services (6,100+)
Transportation (60+)
Wholesale Trade (110+)
Prices (13,000+)
Commodities (1,500+)
Consumer Price Indexes (CPI and PCE) (320+)
Employment Cost Index (180+)
Health Care Indexes (9+)
House Price Indexes (310+)
Producer Price Indexes (PPI) (9,500+)
Trade Indexes (920+)
International Data (130,000+)
Countries (120,000+)
Geography (100+)
Indicators (81,000+)
Institutions (7,500+)
U.S. Regional Data (450,000+)
States (440,000+)
Census Regions (1,400+)
BEA Regions (2,700+)
BLS Regions (1,500+)
Federal Reserve Districts (1,100+)
Freddie Mac Regions (3+)
Academic Data (15,000+)
Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1914-1941 (1,700+)
Daily Federal Funds Rate, 1928-54
Data on the nominal term structure model from Kim and Wright (3+)
Historical Federal Reserve Data (10+)
NBER Macrohistory Database (2,500+)
Penn World Table 7.1 (5,300+)
Penn World Table 9.0 (3,600+)
Recession Probabilities (3+)
Weekly U.S. and State Bond Prices, 1855-1865
Economic Policy Uncertainty (210+)
Sticky Wages and Comovement
A Millennium of Macroeconomic Data for the UK (80+)
New England Textile Industry, 1815-1860 (3+)
The Effects of the 1930s HOLC "Redlining" Maps (3+)