Q2 2024: 365 |
U.S. Dollars |
End of Quarter
Updated: Oct 9, 2024 8:01 AM CDT
Next Release Date: Not Available
Q2 2024: | 365 | |
Q1 2024: | 347 | |
Q4 2023: | 413 | |
Q3 2023: | 365 | |
Q2 2023: | 355 | |
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Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Release: FR Y-14M Large Bank Credit Card and Mortgage Data
Units: U.S. Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Quarterly, End of Quarter
The 50th percentile account balance among active credit card accounts. The total outstanding balance for the account at the end of the current month's cycle. Active credit card accounts are defined as credit card accounts that are open and have had debit, credit, or balance activity in the last 12 months. Therefore, some credit card accounts that are defined as active will have a zero balance. For more detail see: methodology.
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Large Bank Consumer Credit Card Balances: Account Balance: Active Accounts Only: 50th Percentile [RCCCBACTIVEBALPCT50], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RCCCBACTIVEBALPCT50, .
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