Q2 1934: 1,039 (+ more) Updated: Aug 16, 2012 2:54 PM CDTQ2 1934: | 1,039 | |
Q1 1934: | 1,082 | |
Q4 1933: | 1,096 | |
Q3 1933: | 1,119 | |
Q2 1933: | 1,110 | |
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Index Jul 1914=100,Frequency:
QuarterlyData in this graph are copyrighted. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing.
Source: National Bureau of Economic Research
Release: NBER Macrohistory Database
Units: Index Jul 1914=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Quarterly
Source Is Called Matieres Industrielles, Ensemble. Data Are For 25 Articles. Figure For June, 1926 Is Given In The Bulletin As 848 But Has Been Corrected By NBER To 846. Figure For April, 1928 Is Given In The Bulletin As 678 But Has Been Corrected To 680. Source: Data For 1913-1930 Are From Indices Generaux Du Movement Economique En France, 1901-1931, Pp. 120-123. Data For 1930-1939 Are From Bulletin De La Statistique Generale De La France.
This NBER data series q04070 appears on the NBER website in Chapter 4 at http://www.nber.org/databases/macrohistory/contents/chapter04.html.
NBER Indicator: q04070
National Bureau of Economic Research, Wholesale Price, Raw Materials for France [Q04070FRQ360NNBR], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/Q04070FRQ360NNBR, .