Jan 2025: 2.60 | Percent Change from Year Ago | Monthly
Updated: Feb 28, 2025 11:41 AM CST
Jan 2025: | 2.60 | |
Dec 2024: | 2.85 | |
Nov 2024: | 2.76 | |
Oct 2024: | 2.74 | |
Sep 2024: | 2.66 | |
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Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Release: Trimmed Mean PCE Inflation Rate
Units: Percent Change from Year Ago, Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
The Trimmed Mean PCE inflation rate produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is an alternative measure of core inflation in the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE). The data series is calculated by the Dallas Fed, using data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Calculating the trimmed mean PCE inflation rate for a given month involves looking at the price changes for each of the individual components of personal consumption expenditures. The individual price changes are sorted in ascending order from “fell the most” to “rose the most,” and a certain fraction of the most extreme observations at both ends of the spectrum are thrown out or trimmed. The inflation rate is then calculated as a weighted average of the remaining components. The trimmed mean inflation rate is a proxy for true core PCE inflation rate. The resulting inflation measure has been shown to outperform the more conventional “excluding food and energy” measure as a gauge of core inflation.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Trimmed Mean PCE Inflation Rate [PCETRIM12M159SFRBDAL], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCETRIM12M159SFRBDAL, .
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