Q3 2024: 2.2 | Percent Change from Preceding Period | Quarterly
Updated: Feb 27, 2025 7:54 AM CST
Q3 2024: | 2.2 | |
Q2 2024: | 2.5 | |
Q1 2024: | 2.3 | |
Q4 2023: | 4.1 | |
Q3 2023: | 3.5 | |
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Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Release: Gross Domestic Product
Units: Percent Change from Preceding Period, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate
Frequency: Quarterly
BEA Account Code: PB000009
The arithmetic average of gross domestic product and of gross domestic income, deflated by the implicit price deflator for GDP.
A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real Average of GDP and GDI [PB0000091Q225SBEA], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PB0000091Q225SBEA, .
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