2016: 71,760 | Millions of Dollars | Annual
Updated: Sep 18, 2018 8:32 AM CDT
2016: | 71,760 | |
2015: | 72,868 | |
2014: | 70,481 | |
2013: | 69,293 | |
2012: | 70,282 | |
View All |
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Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Release: Gross Domestic Product by County and Metropolitan Area
Units: Millions of Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
Industries in the Miscellaneous Manufacturing NAICS subsector make a wide range of products that cannot readily be classified in specific NAICS subsectors in manufacturing. Processes used by these establishments vary significantly, both among and within industries. For example, a variety of manufacturing processes are used in manufacturing sporting and athletic goods that include products, such as tennis racquets and golf balls. The processes for these products differ from each other, and the processes differ significantly from the fabrication processes used in making dolls or toys, the melting and shaping of precious metals to make jewelry, and the bending, forming, and assembly used in making medical products.
The industries in this subsector are defined by what is made rather than how it is made. Although individual establishments might be appropriately classified elsewhere in the NAICS structure, for historical continuity, these product-based industries were maintained. In most cases, no one process or material predominates for an industry.
Establishments in this subsector manufacture products as diverse as medical equipment and supplies, jewelry, sporting goods, toys, and office supplies.
Consists of all counties in a state that are parts of metropolitan statistical areas.
For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product: Private Industries: Manufacturing: Durable Goods Manufacturing: Miscellaneous Manufacturing for United States Metropolitan Portion [NGMPMISCMANUSMP], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NGMPMISCMANUSMP, .
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