Nov 2020: 107.3 | Index 2015=100 | Monthly
Updated: Dec 17, 2020 7:14 AM CST
Nov 2020: | 107.3 | |
Oct 2020: | 107.4 | |
Sep 2020: | 107.3 | |
Aug 2020: | 106.2 | |
Jul 2020: | 105.8 | |
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Source: Eurostat
Release: Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP)
Units: Index 2015=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Non-energy Industrial Goods, Durables Only (IGOODSXEDU)" is a classification of durable goods that includes Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), and Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1).
Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm.
Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
Eurostat, Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Non-Energy Industrial Goods, Durables Only for United Kingdom [IGDXEDGBM086NEST], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/IGDXEDGBM086NEST, .
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