2023: 94.64260 | Percent of GDP | Annual
Updated: Sep 26, 2024 7:59 AM CDT
2023: | 94.64260 | |
2022: | 93.25758 | |
2021: | 94.10008 | |
2020: | 98.41995 | |
2019: | 77.99774 | |
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Source: U.S. Office of Management and Budget
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Release: Debt to Gross Domestic Product Ratios
Units: Percent of GDP, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
Gross Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYPUGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Gross Federal Debt (FYGFDPUB) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA):
U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Gross Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product [FYPUGDA188S], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYPUGDA188S, .
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