Federal Reserve Economic Data

H-Statistic in Banking Market for Georgia (DDOI03GEA066NWDB)


2014: 0.36300 (+ more)   Updated: Sep 21, 2018 1:51 PM CDT
2014:  0.36300  
2013:  0.36000  
2012:  0.31400  
2011:  0.35400  
2010:  0.33400  
View All


Not Seasonally Adjusted




Source: World Bank  

Release: Global Financial Development  

Units:  Index, Not Seasonally Adjusted

Frequency:  Annual


A measure of the degree of competition in the banking market. It measures the elasticity of banks revenues relative to input prices. Under perfect competition, an increase in input prices raises both marginal costs and total revenues by the same amount, and hence the H-statistic equals 1. Under a monopoly, an increase in input prices results in a rise in marginal costs, a fall in output, and a decline in revenues, leading to an H-statistic less than or equal to 0. When H is between 0 and 1, the system operates under monopolistic competition.

A measure of the degree of competition in the banking market. It measures the elasticity of banks revenues relative to input prices. Under perfect competition, an increase in input prices raises both marginal costs and total revenues by the same amount, and hence the H-statistic equals 1. Under a monopoly, an increase in input prices results in a rise in marginal costs, a fall in output, and a decline in revenues, leading to an H-statistic less than or equal to 0. When H is between 0 and 1, the system operates under monopolistic competition. (For more information, see Panzar and Rosse 1982, 1987). (Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank data from Bankscope)

Source Code: GFDD.OI.03

Suggested Citation:

World Bank, H-Statistic in Banking Market for Georgia [DDOI03GEA066NWDB], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DDOI03GEA066NWDB, .


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