Federal Reserve Economic Data

Total Cotton Production by Mills in New England (CPNETOTAL)


1860: 173,762 (+ more)   Updated: Nov 1, 2019 1:44 PM CDT
1860:  173,762  
1859:  176,080  
1858:  157,807  
1857:  135,294  
1856:  157,408  
View All


Thousands of Yards,
Not Seasonally Adjusted




Source: National Bureau of Economic Research  

Source: Davis, Lance E.

Source: Stettler, H. Louis

Release: Cotton Production in New England  

Units:  Thousands of Yards, Not Seasonally Adjusted

Frequency:  Annual


Data were gathered by the authors from various textile collections deposited at various museums and libraries on the East Coast, and collected from the original business records of textile mills in New England wherever possible. Preference was given to records that were complete and continuous for long periods, and reasonably intelligible.

Reporting techniques differed greatly from mill to mill. To make the data comparable, each mill's output was allocated uniformly over the months covered by the accounting period. The monthly figures were then summed to calendar years. The total cotton production for the region is estimated by adding the production of each individual mill with data available for the given period.

More details about the data are available in the book chapter "The New England Textile Industry, 1825-60: Trends and Fluctuations".

Suggested Citation:

National Bureau of Economic Research, Davis, Lance E. and Stettler, H. Louis, Total Cotton Production by Mills in New England [CPNETOTAL], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPNETOTAL, .


Cotton Production in New England

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