Jan 2025: 123.61 | Index 2015=100 | Monthly
Updated: Feb 24, 2025 7:10 AM CST
Jan 2025: | 123.61 | |
Dec 2024: | 123.43 | |
Nov 2024: | 125.09 | |
Oct 2024: | 122.82 | |
Sep 2024: | 123.03 | |
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Source: Eurostat
Release: Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP)
Units: Index 2015=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Electrical Appliances for Personal Care, Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes electric razors and hair trimmers, hand-held and hood hair dryers, curling tongs and styling combs, sun-lamps, vibrators, electric toothbrushes and other electric appliances for dental hygiene, etc.; repair of such appliances; non-electric appliances such as razors, hair trimmers, blades, scissors, nail files, combs, shaving brushes, hairbrushes, toothbrushes, nail brushes, hairpins, curlers, personal weighing machines, baby scales, etc.; articles for personal hygiene such as toilet soap, medicinal soap, cleansing oil and milk, shaving soap, shaving cream and foam, toothpaste, etc.; beauty products such as lipstick, nail varnish, make-up and make-up removal products (including powder compacts, brushes, and powder puffs), hair lacquers and lotions, pre-shave and after-shave products, sun-bathing products, hair removers, perfumes and toilet waters, personal deodorants, bath products, etc.; and toilet paper, paper handkerchiefs, paper towels, sanitary towels, cotton wool, cotton tops, babies' napkins, toilet sponges, etc.
This category excludes handkerchiefs made of fabric (03.1.3).
This category is a subcategory of the Miscellaneous Goods and Services (12) and of Personal Car (12.1).
Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm.
Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
Eurostat, Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Electrical Appliances for Personal Care and Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care for Sweden [CP1212SEM086NEST], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP1212SEM086NEST, .
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