2008: 389,316 (+ more) Updated: Jan 31, 2014 10:11 AM CST2008: | 389,316 | |
2007: | 356,580 | |
2006: | 343,080 | |
2005: | 326,997 | |
2004: | 314,331 | |
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CHF Millions,Frequency:
AnnualData in this graph are copyrighted. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing.
Source: Swiss National Bank
Release: Swiss National Bank Historical Time Series
Units: CHF Millions, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
Until 1974, fiduciary business could be recorded on the balance sheet; thereafter, it had to be entered as an off-balance-sheet item.
As of 1981, precious metal accounts are included in the balance sheet.
As of 1992, including non-monetary balance sheet claims and liabilities from lending.
As of 1995, transactions in financial derivatives must be recorded in gross terms, resulting in a significant increase in total assets.
As of 1998, including non-monetary balance sheet claims and liabilities from repo transactions.
As of 2000, the majority of banks have again taken non-monetary claims and liabilities from lending and repo transactions off the balance sheet.
Swiss National Bank, Total Balance Sheet Items for Cantonal Banks in Switzerland [CHTOTBALSHCANT], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CHTOTBALSHCANT, .