Feb 2025: 37.7 | Hours | Monthly
Updated: Mar 7, 2025 7:48 AM CST
Feb 2025: | 37.7 | |
Jan 2025: | 37.5 | |
Dec 2024: | 39.6 | |
Nov 2024: | 37.8 | |
Oct 2024: | 38.1 | |
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Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release: Employment Situation
Units: Hours, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
Average weekly hours relate to the average hours per worker for which pay was received and is different from standard or scheduled hours. Factors such as unpaid absenteeism, labor turnover, part-time work, and stoppages cause average weekly hours to be lower than scheduled hours of work for an establishment. Group averages further reflect changes in the workweek of component industries. Average weekly hours are the total weekly hours divided by the employees paid for those hours.
The series comes from the 'Current Employment Statistics (Establishment Survey).'
The source code is: CEU4300000002
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Average Weekly Hours of All Employees, Transportation and Warehousing [CEU4300000002], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CEU4300000002, .
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