Feb 2025: 207.9 | Index 2007=100 | Monthly
Updated: Mar 7, 2025 7:48 AM CST
Feb 2025: | 207.9 | |
Jan 2025: | 205.8 | |
Dec 2024: | 205.6 | |
Nov 2024: | 203.4 | |
Oct 2024: | 202.8 | |
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Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release: Employment Situation
Units: Index 2007=100, Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
Indexes of aggregate weekly payrolls are calculated by dividing the current month's aggregate by the average of the 12 monthly figures for the base year. Indexes are averages for production and nonsupervisory employees. For basic industries, the payroll aggregates are the product of average hourly earnings and aggregate weekly hours. At all higher levels of industry aggregation, payroll aggregates are the sum of the component aggregates.
The series comes from the 'Current Employment Statistics (Establishment Survey).'
The source code is: CES5500000017
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Indexes of Aggregate Weekly Payrolls of All Employees, Financial Activities [CES5500000017], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CES5500000017, .
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