1938: 2,101 | Thousands | Annual
Updated: Aug 17, 2012 3:20 PM CDT
Next Release Date: Not Available
1938: | 2,101 | |
1937: | 2,068 | |
1936: | 2,010 | |
1935: | 1,984 | |
1934: | 1,979 | |
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Source: National Bureau of Economic Research
Release: NBER Macrohistory Database
Units: Thousands, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
A Change In The Bankruptcy Act And A Slight Change In Compilation Occured In 1933, But The Consequences Were So Minimal That The Data Are Considered Continuous (See Both Dun'S And Dun'S Statistical For 1939.) The Figure For 1870 (427) Is Sometimes Misprinted In The Source As 475. Source: Dun'S Review, January 8, 1910, P. 10; January 11, 1930, P. 7; January 1933; February 1939, Pp. 32-33; Duns' Statistical Review, February 1939, P. 12
This NBER data series a10030 appears on the NBER website in Chapter 10 at http://www.nber.org/databases/macrohistory/contents/chapter10.html.
NBER Indicator: a10030
National Bureau of Economic Research, Number of Concerns in Business for United States [A10030USA173NNBR], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A10030USA173NNBR, .
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