Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Q1 1984    
    Q3 2020
Name Q3 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2019 Units
Number of Banks
95 Number 97 Number 104 Number Number
Return on Average Assets for Banks
0.55 Percent 0.39 Percent 1.18 Percent %
Return on Average Equity for Banks
5.28 Percent 3.70 Percent 10.83 Percent %
Net Interest Margin for Banks
2.89 Percent 2.92 Percent 3.37 Percent %
Loan Loss Reserve to Total Loans for Banks
1.43 Percent 1.35 Percent 0.83 Percent %
Nonperforming Loans (past due 90+ days plus nonaccrual) to Total Loans
1.03 Percent 1.04 Percent 0.81 Percent %
Net Loan Losses to Average Total Loans
0.22 Percent 0.21 Percent 0.06 Percent %
Report of Condition
Interest-Bearing Balances
13,015,598 Thousands of Dollars 13,617,799 Thousands of Dollars 7,228,784 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Quarterly Average of Total Assets
193,679,330 Thousands of Dollars 178,485,025 Thousands of Dollars 158,163,676 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Quarterly Weighted Average of Total Assets
176,251,908 Thousands of Dollars 169,854,401 Thousands of Dollars 153,900,044 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Trading Assets
1,202,864 Thousands of Dollars 1,273,009 Thousands of Dollars 504,912 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Assets
196,493,301 Thousands of Dollars 195,899,873 Thousands of Dollars 159,226,527 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Held-to-Maturity Securities
1,092,832 Thousands of Dollars 1,240,851 Thousands of Dollars 1,696,822 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Amortized Cost of Available-For-Sale Securities
34,846,534 Thousands of Dollars 31,529,632 Thousands of Dollars 26,454,050 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Loan and Lease Finance Receivables, Nonaccrual
785,132 Thousands of Dollars 720,667 Thousands of Dollars 467,477 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Loan and Lease Finance Receivables, Past Due 90 Days or More and Still Accruing
605,695 Thousands of Dollars 697,280 Thousands of Dollars 448,934 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Loans and Leases, Net of Unearned Income
134,763,316 Thousands of Dollars 136,408,908 Thousands of Dollars 113,270,498 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Quarterly Weighted Average of Total Loans and Leases, Net of Unearned Income
123,845,452 Thousands of Dollars 120,082,590 Thousands of Dollars 109,006,937 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Nonperforming Loans
1,390,827 Thousands of Dollars 1,417,947 Thousands of Dollars 916,411 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Loan Loss Reserves
1,921,577 Thousands of Dollars 1,844,245 Thousands of Dollars 937,654 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
LESS: Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
1,921,030 Thousands of Dollars 1,830,295 Thousands of Dollars 935,276 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
LESS: Allocated Transfer Risk Reserves
547 Thousands of Dollars 13,950 Thousands of Dollars 2,378 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Equity Capital
Total Equity Capital
19,979,463 Thousands of Dollars 19,661,943 Thousands of Dollars 17,675,381 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Quarterly Weighted Average of Total Equity Capital
18,475,678 Thousands of Dollars 18,057,404 Thousands of Dollars 16,715,727 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Report of Income
Net Income
731,618 Thousands of Dollars 334,051 Thousands of Dollars 1,357,877 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Net Interest Income
3,607,279 Thousands of Dollars 2,356,032 Thousands of Dollars 3,594,145 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Income (Loss) before Income Taxes and Extraordinary Items and Other Adjustments
896,868 Thousands of Dollars 407,473 Thousands of Dollars 1,740,982 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Charge-offs on Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
237,912 Thousands of Dollars 151,253 Thousands of Dollars 86,806 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Total Net Charge-offs
203,584 Thousands of Dollars 128,619 Thousands of Dollars 52,099 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $
Recoveries on Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
34,328 Thousands of Dollars 22,634 Thousands of Dollars 34,707 Thousands of Dollars Thous. of $

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