Federal Reserve Economic Data


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Thousands of Dollars
Name 2022 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Adams County
124,339 123,237 123,237
Barnes County
815,092 721,857 721,857
Benson County
395,554 327,939 327,939
Billings County
84,554 83,404 83,404
Bottineau County
573,071 460,482 460,482
Bowman County
217,220 218,337 218,337
Burke County
221,204 157,804 157,804
Burleigh County
7,096,858 6,879,360 6,879,360
Cass County
13,315,423 12,703,772 12,703,772
Cavalier County
487,648 327,747 327,747
Dickey County
457,639 381,149 381,149
Divide County
161,398 136,894 136,894
Dunn County
368,231 365,540 365,540
Eddy County
209,005 169,975 169,975
Emmons County
305,467 248,268 248,268
Foster County
309,021 260,971 260,971
Golden Valley County
99,324 96,504 96,504
Grand Forks County
4,426,160 4,267,106 4,267,106
Grant County
144,179 139,373 139,373
Griggs County
211,522 170,008 170,008
Hettinger County
162,206 141,181 141,181
Kidder County
199,964 180,604 180,604
LaMoure County
388,582 309,656 309,656
Logan County
158,414 129,869 129,869
McHenry County
406,535 389,332 389,332
McIntosh County
222,600 206,481 206,481
McKenzie County
1,057,642 1,012,515 1,012,515
McLean County
797,638 771,101 771,101
Mercer County
551,872 554,859 554,859
Morton County
2,050,212 2,026,897 2,026,897
Mountrail County
753,165 701,726 701,726
Nelson County
276,327 212,751 212,751
Oliver County
116,638 118,313 118,313
Pembina County
594,729 535,553 535,553
Pierce County
294,138 267,857 267,857
Ramsey County
786,567 699,531 699,531
Ransom County
420,065 377,402 377,402
Renville County
252,060 174,511 174,511
Richland County
1,093,485 1,034,547 1,034,547
Rolette County
680,134 641,247 641,247
Sargent County
353,334 314,793 314,793
Sheridan County
128,545 100,870 100,870
Sioux County
143,932 140,374 140,374
Slope County
38,396 47,103 47,103
Stark County
2,199,686 2,088,885 2,088,885
Steele County
206,596 154,593 154,593
Stutsman County
1,459,905 1,334,012 1,334,012
Towner County
246,752 160,597 160,597
Traill County
599,808 532,037 532,037
Walsh County
792,840 697,328 697,328
Ward County
4,309,665 4,165,787 4,165,787
Wells County
429,990 318,640 318,640
Williams County
2,633,163 2,481,024 2,481,024

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