Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Jan 2000    
    Aug 2024
Thousands of Persons
Name Aug 2024 Jul 2024 Aug 2023
Less than a high school diploma
320 326 206
Less than 1 year of high school
159 95 84
1 - 3 years of hich school
102 166 102
4 years of high school, no diploma
60 64 20
High school graduates, no college
733 856 716
Some college or associate degree
589 585 537
Some college, no degree
349 337 341
Associate degree
241 249 196
Occupational program
115 97 62
Academic program
125 152 134
Bachelor's degree and higher
762 720 660
Bachelor's degree
532 512 430
Advanced degree
230 207 230
Master's degree
164 163 171
Professional degree
29 21 21
Doctoral degree
37 23 38

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