Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Jan 2000    
    Aug 2024
Thousands of Persons
Name Aug 2024 Jul 2024 Aug 2023
Less than a high school diploma
349 346 224
Less than 1 year of high school
172 110 89
1 - 3 years of hich school
111 172 103
4 years of high school, no diploma
65 64 32
High school graduates, no college
798 915 770
Some college or associate degree
637 632 576
Some college, no degree
771 819 741
Associate degree
529 520 426
Occupational program
245 188 138
Academic program
283 332 288
Bachelor's degree and higher
833 815 765
Bachelor's degree
1,179 1,139 1,002
Advanced degree
684 607 640
Master's degree
568 518 516
Professional degree
50 40 44
Doctoral degree
66 50 80

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