Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Jan 2000    
    Aug 2024
Thousands of Persons
Name Aug 2024 Jul 2024 Aug 2023
Less than a high school diploma
674 637 500
Less than 1 year of high school
194 139 102
1 - 3 years of hich school
359 372 318
4 years of high school, no diploma
121 126 80
High school graduates, no college
1,284 1,465 1,294
Some college or associate degree
818 828 763
Some college, no degree
521 529 513
Associate degree
296 299 249
Occupational program
138 108 100
Academic program
159 192 150
Bachelor's degree and higher
983 958 904
Bachelor's degree
697 698 613
Advanced degree
287 260 291
Master's degree
221 209 222
Professional degree
30 21 25
Doctoral degree
37 31 44

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