Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Benchmarked Unit Labor Costs for Trade, Transport and Communication for Finland (DISCONTINUED)

Title Benchmarked Unit Labor Costs for Trade, Transport and Communication for Finland (DISCONTINUED)
Source Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Release Main Economic Indicators (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Annual
Units Index 2010=1, Trend
Date Range 1970-01-01 to 2010-01-01
Last Updated 2014-10-06 2:39 PM CDT
1970-01-01 0.143111488794405
1971-01-01 0.155643221939383
1972-01-01 0.165049255559297
1973-01-01 0.184497273745424
1974-01-01 0.221116861732443
1975-01-01 0.276010411822688
1976-01-01 0.323150192906695
1977-01-01 0.355824937206587
1978-01-01 0.370636768256060
1979-01-01 0.393772622623989
1980-01-01 0.445281631497431
1981-01-01 0.498271703507969
1982-01-01 0.535876018672572
1983-01-01 0.569443274495252
1984-01-01 0.606077800802306
1985-01-01 0.636784187508724
1986-01-01 0.652739464400532
1987-01-01 0.677234054932781
1988-01-01 0.721575338783041
1989-01-01 0.779955270607076
1990-01-01 0.826165617027771
1991-01-01 0.859127638730769
1992-01-01 0.876333172416814
1993-01-01 0.851498625585533
1994-01-01 0.817779765672114
1995-01-01 0.816797900229730
1996-01-01 0.823030630760355
1997-01-01 0.824568252133888
1998-01-01 0.824940677205361
1999-01-01 0.827905818099307
2000-01-01 0.828488022281011
2001-01-01 0.822359309711236
2002-01-01 0.835193504602844
2003-01-01 0.843169836747051
2004-01-01 0.826510902474434
2005-01-01 0.837667761393089
2006-01-01 0.851757974084004
2007-01-01 0.847873967634060
2008-01-01 0.887120306714166
2009-01-01 1.017956739308630
2010-01-01 1.000000000000000

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