Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - All Employees: Educational Services in New York-White Plains-Wayne, NY-NJ (MD) (DISCONTINUED)

Title All Employees: Educational Services in New York-White Plains-Wayne, NY-NJ (MD) (DISCONTINUED)
Series ID SMU36356446561000001
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Release State and Metro Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Monthly
Units Thousands of Persons
Date Range 1990-01-01 to 2014-12-01
Last Updated 2015-01-28 2:28 PM CST
1990-01-01 125.7
1990-02-01 132.9
1990-03-01 135.0
1990-04-01 135.6
1990-05-01 133.6
1990-06-01 126.9
1990-07-01 117.1
1990-08-01 116.0
1990-09-01 125.0
1990-10-01 130.5
1990-11-01 134.9
1990-12-01 135.2
1991-01-01 125.9
1991-02-01 131.6
1991-03-01 134.1
1991-04-01 133.7
1991-05-01 131.9
1991-06-01 124.5
1991-07-01 116.3
1991-08-01 114.5
1991-09-01 123.3
1991-10-01 131.9
1991-11-01 133.7
1991-12-01 133.9
1992-01-01 126.4
1992-02-01 132.5
1992-03-01 134.4
1992-04-01 135.0
1992-05-01 132.7
1992-06-01 125.9
1992-07-01 115.3
1992-08-01 113.1
1992-09-01 123.9
1992-10-01 130.6
1992-11-01 132.5
1992-12-01 133.9
1993-01-01 128.9
1993-02-01 134.1
1993-03-01 136.4
1993-04-01 134.0
1993-05-01 132.5
1993-06-01 126.2
1993-07-01 116.7
1993-08-01 114.4
1993-09-01 122.5
1993-10-01 133.0
1993-11-01 136.5
1993-12-01 136.8
1994-01-01 130.3
1994-02-01 136.4
1994-03-01 139.8
1994-04-01 138.8
1994-05-01 137.1
1994-06-01 131.1
1994-07-01 121.5
1994-08-01 119.0
1994-09-01 129.5
1994-10-01 140.7
1994-11-01 143.0
1994-12-01 144.0
1995-01-01 136.6
1995-02-01 141.7
1995-03-01 145.5
1995-04-01 144.9
1995-05-01 143.7
1995-06-01 136.8
1995-07-01 125.0
1995-08-01 123.2
1995-09-01 133.4
1995-10-01 146.3
1995-11-01 148.7
1995-12-01 148.6
1996-01-01 147.1
1996-02-01 157.8
1996-03-01 161.0
1996-04-01 159.7
1996-05-01 156.1
1996-06-01 148.7
1996-07-01 134.0
1996-08-01 130.8
1996-09-01 141.6
1996-10-01 157.9
1996-11-01 158.0
1996-12-01 157.6
1997-01-01 149.7
1997-02-01 159.3
1997-03-01 162.3
1997-04-01 163.4
1997-05-01 158.0
1997-06-01 149.1
1997-07-01 140.2
1997-08-01 136.0
1997-09-01 148.2
1997-10-01 163.4
1997-11-01 163.3
1997-12-01 163.4
1998-01-01 155.4
1998-02-01 164.1
1998-03-01 167.2
1998-04-01 169.7
1998-05-01 163.9
1998-06-01 155.2
1998-07-01 146.5
1998-08-01 143.7
1998-09-01 154.8
1998-10-01 168.5
1998-11-01 170.9
1998-12-01 171.1
1999-01-01 164.4
1999-02-01 173.4
1999-03-01 175.2
1999-04-01 169.9
1999-05-01 165.1
1999-06-01 154.3
1999-07-01 145.2
1999-08-01 140.5
1999-09-01 149.9
1999-10-01 167.7
1999-11-01 171.2
1999-12-01 170.0
2000-01-01 162.0
2000-02-01 168.7
2000-03-01 172.8
2000-04-01 175.9
2000-05-01 168.7
2000-06-01 156.2
2000-07-01 142.0
2000-08-01 139.3
2000-09-01 158.9
2000-10-01 177.4
2000-11-01 179.9
2000-12-01 179.7
2001-01-01 167.7
2001-02-01 177.6
2001-03-01 181.3
2001-04-01 180.2
2001-05-01 180.2
2001-06-01 168.9
2001-07-01 154.5
2001-08-01 151.1
2001-09-01 165.0
2001-10-01 179.0
2001-11-01 183.2
2001-12-01 181.0
2002-01-01 170.2
2002-02-01 182.0
2002-03-01 185.8
2002-04-01 185.0
2002-05-01 185.8
2002-06-01 171.5
2002-07-01 161.2
2002-08-01 157.1
2002-09-01 173.0
2002-10-01 186.3
2002-11-01 189.6
2002-12-01 187.3
2003-01-01 175.0
2003-02-01 186.1
2003-03-01 189.1
2003-04-01 188.2
2003-05-01 186.6
2003-06-01 172.1
2003-07-01 162.8
2003-08-01 157.6
2003-09-01 173.4
2003-10-01 188.7
2003-11-01 191.1
2003-12-01 188.7
2004-01-01 178.6
2004-02-01 190.4
2004-03-01 194.2
2004-04-01 193.1
2004-05-01 193.1
2004-06-01 176.5
2004-07-01 164.4
2004-08-01 159.9
2004-09-01 175.4
2004-10-01 189.6
2004-11-01 193.0
2004-12-01 191.6
2005-01-01 180.5
2005-02-01 192.0
2005-03-01 194.8
2005-04-01 196.0
2005-05-01 192.1
2005-06-01 175.3
2005-07-01 163.9
2005-08-01 160.2
2005-09-01 178.9
2005-10-01 197.3
2005-11-01 199.9
2005-12-01 199.4
2006-01-01 186.4
2006-02-01 199.3
2006-03-01 201.7
2006-04-01 203.3
2006-05-01 199.7
2006-06-01 182.8
2006-07-01 168.0
2006-08-01 163.3
2006-09-01 185.7
2006-10-01 203.3
2006-11-01 205.9
2006-12-01 205.4
2007-01-01 192.2
2007-02-01 205.1
2007-03-01 207.9
2007-04-01 206.8
2007-05-01 202.8
2007-06-01 186.6
2007-07-01 172.0
2007-08-01 167.2
2007-09-01 189.5
2007-10-01 207.7
2007-11-01 209.2
2007-12-01 209.4
2008-01-01 196.4
2008-02-01 209.9
2008-03-01 211.8
2008-04-01 213.4
2008-05-01 208.0
2008-06-01 196.8
2008-07-01 176.9
2008-08-01 174.6
2008-09-01 197.3
2008-10-01 213.1
2008-11-01 216.9
2008-12-01 219.1
2009-01-01 204.4
2009-02-01 216.8
2009-03-01 220.0
2009-04-01 219.4
2009-05-01 214.7
2009-06-01 200.4
2009-07-01 183.9
2009-08-01 179.7
2009-09-01 200.5
2009-10-01 217.2
2009-11-01 220.8
2009-12-01 224.0
2010-01-01 209.2
2010-02-01 222.9
2010-03-01 226.0
2010-04-01 226.6
2010-05-01 221.1
2010-06-01 205.6
2010-07-01 189.4
2010-08-01 185.4
2010-09-01 208.9
2010-10-01 226.1
2010-11-01 231.0
2010-12-01 230.1
2011-01-01 214.6
2011-02-01 230.0
2011-03-01 232.0
2011-04-01 235.5
2011-05-01 232.2
2011-06-01 209.4
2011-07-01 195.2
2011-08-01 190.8
2011-09-01 218.6
2011-10-01 233.6
2011-11-01 237.8
2011-12-01 237.3
2012-01-01 224.2
2012-02-01 241.0
2012-03-01 245.1
2012-04-01 244.3
2012-05-01 242.6
2012-06-01 217.7
2012-07-01 202.1
2012-08-01 198.1
2012-09-01 228.8
2012-10-01 243.7
2012-11-01 245.7
2012-12-01 246.9
2013-01-01 231.1
2013-02-01 247.7
2013-03-01 250.9
2013-04-01 253.2
2013-05-01 248.6
2013-06-01 223.7
2013-07-01 213.0
2013-08-01 206.8
2013-09-01 235.2
2013-10-01 251.6
2013-11-01 257.4
2013-12-01 255.2
2014-01-01 242.1
2014-02-01 253.0
2014-03-01 258.6
2014-04-01 259.7
2014-05-01 255.7
2014-06-01 242.5
2014-07-01 236.0
2014-08-01 229.8
2014-09-01 244.7
2014-10-01 257.0
2014-11-01 261.1
2014-12-01 261.6

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