Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Laspeyres per person counted in total employment for Malawi

Title Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Laspeyres per person counted in total employment for Malawi
Source University of Pennsylvania
Release Penn World Table 7.1 (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Annual
Units 2005 International Dollars per Person Counted in Total Employment
Date Range 1960-01-01 to 2010-01-01
Last Updated 2013-04-03 11:05 AM CDT
1960-01-01 662.5275723
1961-01-01 707.2542289
1962-01-01 674.5179028
1963-01-01 668.4242101
1964-01-01 684.2574442
1965-01-01 799.3450861
1966-01-01 891.7708594
1967-01-01 876.2307664
1968-01-01 859.6321610
1969-01-01 921.6113492
1970-01-01 962.2497800
1971-01-01 1118.4188920
1972-01-01 1171.5606970
1973-01-01 1179.9644960
1974-01-01 1236.6120500
1975-01-01 1278.9989300
1976-01-01 1304.4381350
1977-01-01 1359.7739370
1978-01-01 1451.0865880
1979-01-01 1428.9210850
1980-01-01 1464.1375980
1981-01-01 1264.4052650
1982-01-01 1260.9370410
1983-01-01 1314.6113390
1984-01-01 1359.0393080
1985-01-01 1388.8286410
1986-01-01 1368.4867480
1987-01-01 1309.6464870
1988-01-01 1230.6906840
1989-01-01 1257.4470280
1990-01-01 1227.3514570
1991-01-01 1319.8078480
1992-01-01 1168.7096760
1993-01-01 1360.4790740
1994-01-01 1124.4774470
1995-01-01 1221.7553660
1996-01-01 1188.3368340
1997-01-01 1246.0412740
1998-01-01 1197.0970660
1999-01-01 1224.6060360
2000-01-01 1190.8754730
2001-01-01 1095.6691870
2002-01-01 1147.9053480
2003-01-01 1169.8302950
2004-01-01 1209.3453030
2005-01-01 1210.5382630
2006-01-01 1259.1595800
2007-01-01 1345.7404860
2008-01-01 1416.9274720
2009-01-01 1451.8320910
2010-01-01 1508.2383230

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