Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Laspeyres per person counted in total employment for Czech Republic

Title Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Laspeyres per person counted in total employment for Czech Republic
Source University of Pennsylvania
Release Penn World Table 7.1 (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Annual
Units 2005 International Dollars per Person Counted in Total Employment
Date Range 1990-01-01 to 2010-01-01
Last Updated 2013-04-03 11:07 AM CDT
1990-01-01 31372.43310
1991-01-01 27872.01486
1992-01-01 28036.95336
1993-01-01 28290.55106
1994-01-01 29027.65849
1995-01-01 30504.57282
1996-01-01 31864.97739
1997-01-01 31879.24414
1998-01-01 32249.68697
1999-01-01 33554.41469
2000-01-01 35121.12239
2001-01-01 36372.21759
2002-01-01 37023.31298
2003-01-01 38734.06888
2004-01-01 40595.70380
2005-01-01 42393.19045
2006-01-01 44766.26869
2007-01-01 46393.17959
2008-01-01 46773.94686
2009-01-01 44986.00817
2010-01-01 47154.34635

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