Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Global price of Hard Sawnwood, Dark Red Meranti

Title Global price of Hard Sawnwood, Dark Red Meranti
Source International Monetary Fund
Release Primary Commodity Prices (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Annual
Units U.S. Dollars per Cubic Meter
Date Range 1990-01-01 to 2024-01-01
Last Updated 2025-01-27 1:31 PM CST
1990-01-01 517.117647806804
1991-01-01 524.759719848633
1992-01-01 607.211552937826
1993-01-01 758.242329915365
1994-01-01 821.440668741862
1995-01-01 740.190032958984
1996-01-01 740.886906941732
1997-01-01 662.328819274902
1998-01-01 484.154586791992
1999-01-01 601.107226889728
2000-01-01 599.176460342468
2001-01-01 488.461801702908
2002-01-01 517.095388142819
2003-01-01 549.620518370518
2004-01-01 581.293706293706
2005-01-01 659.382284382284
2006-01-01 749.343438623972
2007-01-01 806.296765480031
2008-01-01 889.091631464098
2009-01-01 805.524437500000
2010-01-01 848.271956662500
2011-01-01 939.446977500000
2012-01-01 876.342019453463
2013-01-01 852.797730305972
2014-01-01 897.942000000000
2015-01-01 833.250500000000
2016-01-01 738.879208333333
2017-01-01 702.109541666667
2018-01-01 727.942875000000
2019-01-01 695.887791666667
2020-01-01 702.656675000000
2021-01-01 749.952166666667
2022-01-01 674.510166666667
2023-01-01 677.734750000000
2024-01-01 696.541791666667

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