Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Nominal Final Consumption Expenditure for Japan

Title Nominal Final Consumption Expenditure for Japan
Source International Monetary Fund
Release International Financial Statistics (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Quarterly
Units Millions of Domestic Currency
Date Range 1994-01-01 to 2024-07-01
Last Updated 2024-12-16 8:41 AM CST
1994-01-01 82607296
1994-04-01 86258496
1994-07-01 84893296
1994-10-01 90997600
1995-01-01 85132304
1995-04-01 88280896
1995-07-01 86862200
1995-10-01 93501400
1996-01-01 86829600
1996-04-01 90674200
1996-07-01 88778400
1996-10-01 95733400
1997-01-01 90385800
1997-04-01 92374200
1997-07-01 90142096
1997-10-01 96196496
1998-01-01 89474400
1998-04-01 92160896
1998-07-01 90050600
1998-10-01 96698704
1999-01-01 90257696
1999-04-01 93241296
1999-07-01 90936600
1999-10-01 96872000
2000-01-01 91744400
2000-04-01 94210000
2000-07-01 91765200
2000-10-01 98239800
2001-01-01 93260400
2001-04-01 96154304
2001-07-01 93060200
2001-10-01 98460704
2002-01-01 93580704
2002-04-01 96319400
2002-07-01 93409800
2002-10-01 98706600
2003-01-01 93066704
2003-04-01 96229696
2003-07-01 92773904
2003-10-01 99030800
2004-01-01 93529104
2004-04-01 96488304
2004-07-01 93893000
2004-10-01 99659696
2005-01-01 93766304
2005-04-01 97179696
2005-07-01 94546896
2005-10-01 100825104
2006-01-01 95021600
2006-04-01 97861000
2006-07-01 94300000
2006-10-01 101479904
2007-01-01 95091104
2007-04-01 98766496
2007-07-01 95016200
2007-10-01 101941400
2008-01-01 96290096
2008-04-01 97997600
2008-07-01 95416000
2008-10-01 99771296
2009-01-01 92404000
2009-04-01 95641504
2009-07-01 93539296
2009-10-01 99259696
2010-01-01 93415000
2010-04-01 96689904
2010-07-01 95159104
2010-10-01 99299000
2011-01-01 92716096
2011-04-01 95833800
2011-07-01 94670096
2011-10-01 100340304
2012-01-01 95537504
2012-04-01 97471904
2012-07-01 94851296
2012-10-01 100690000
2013-01-01 96427104
2013-04-01 99407104
2013-07-01 97655800
2013-10-01 103260000
2014-01-01 99892400
2014-04-01 99959296
2014-07-01 98353600
2014-10-01 104173000
2015-01-01 99194496
2015-04-01 101950896
2015-07-01 99463200
2015-10-01 105006304
2016-01-01 99706000
2016-04-01 101378496
2016-07-01 98587296
2016-10-01 105111104
2017-01-01 100057600
2017-04-01 103041000
2017-07-01 99733800
2017-10-01 106582600
2018-01-01 101355200
2018-04-01 103989000
2018-07-01 100960400
2018-10-01 107484800
2019-01-01 101429104
2019-04-01 105020600
2019-07-01 102181200
2019-10-01 107011000
2020-01-01 101550400
2020-04-01 98265104
2020-07-01 98576200
2020-10-01 106587600
2021-01-01 99844704
2021-04-01 103959600
2021-07-01 100319200
2021-10-01 109208304
2022-01-01 103467800
2022-04-01 108379904
2022-07-01 105920800
2022-10-01 114225400
2023-01-01 109543504
2023-04-01 111459296
2023-07-01 108503296
2023-10-01 115954304
2024-01-01 110070800
2024-04-01 113555696
2024-07-01 111480096

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