Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Employed Persons in Salem, OR (MSA)

Title Employed Persons in Salem, OR (MSA)
Series ID LAUMT414142000000005
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Monthly
Units Persons
Date Range 1990-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Last Updated 2025-02-05 10:26 AM CST
Notes These data come from the Current Population Survey (CPS), also known as the household survey.

Employed persons are all persons who, during the reference week (the week including the 12th day of the month), (a) did any work as paid employees, worked in their own business or profession or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of their family, or (b) were not working but who had jobs from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job.

For more details, see the release's frequently asked questions.
1990-01-01 126752
1990-02-01 126847
1990-03-01 128835
1990-04-01 130766
1990-05-01 133782
1990-06-01 140182
1990-07-01 139410
1990-08-01 143025
1990-09-01 139940
1990-10-01 138217
1990-11-01 136528
1990-12-01 133626
1991-01-01 128527
1991-02-01 130590
1991-03-01 131319
1991-04-01 132975
1991-05-01 132372
1991-06-01 137522
1991-07-01 138306
1991-08-01 143286
1991-09-01 142615
1991-10-01 139828
1991-11-01 136408
1991-12-01 133228
1992-01-01 131209
1992-02-01 130788
1992-03-01 132176
1992-04-01 136002
1992-05-01 136802
1992-06-01 143326
1992-07-01 145801
1992-08-01 144781
1992-09-01 144111
1992-10-01 142432
1992-11-01 140365
1992-12-01 137128
1993-01-01 134239
1993-02-01 136971
1993-03-01 137821
1993-04-01 138709
1993-05-01 140913
1993-06-01 147283
1993-07-01 147942
1993-08-01 149916
1993-09-01 151904
1993-10-01 151613
1993-11-01 148384
1993-12-01 145817
1994-01-01 141814
1994-02-01 144423
1994-03-01 143324
1994-04-01 146357
1994-05-01 149883
1994-06-01 155237
1994-07-01 155137
1994-08-01 156579
1994-09-01 154562
1994-10-01 152185
1994-11-01 151437
1994-12-01 148675
1995-01-01 145229
1995-02-01 147228
1995-03-01 147625
1995-04-01 149953
1995-05-01 149993
1995-06-01 156317
1995-07-01 157641
1995-08-01 157631
1995-09-01 157265
1995-10-01 156843
1995-11-01 152666
1995-12-01 150733
1996-01-01 146886
1996-02-01 149111
1996-03-01 150708
1996-04-01 151093
1996-05-01 154960
1996-06-01 159549
1996-07-01 158098
1996-08-01 161072
1996-09-01 160614
1996-10-01 159363
1996-11-01 156608
1996-12-01 152989
1997-01-01 149375
1997-02-01 150545
1997-03-01 151828
1997-04-01 152909
1997-05-01 155783
1997-06-01 162469
1997-07-01 160581
1997-08-01 162716
1997-09-01 160113
1997-10-01 159849
1997-11-01 156860
1997-12-01 156947
1998-01-01 154481
1998-02-01 156001
1998-03-01 156524
1998-04-01 158170
1998-05-01 160386
1998-06-01 166985
1998-07-01 163046
1998-08-01 165431
1998-09-01 166595
1998-10-01 162229
1998-11-01 160095
1998-12-01 159720
1999-01-01 156668
1999-02-01 158628
1999-03-01 160310
1999-04-01 161194
1999-05-01 161289
1999-06-01 165694
1999-07-01 169326
1999-08-01 168118
1999-09-01 166943
1999-10-01 165703
1999-11-01 165002
1999-12-01 164192
2000-01-01 162152
2000-02-01 163939
2000-03-01 164684
2000-04-01 166290
2000-05-01 166336
2000-06-01 172895
2000-07-01 173287
2000-08-01 173386
2000-09-01 171515
2000-10-01 168924
2000-11-01 168229
2000-12-01 167043
2001-01-01 161455
2001-02-01 162752
2001-03-01 162824
2001-04-01 163082
2001-05-01 164304
2001-06-01 171602
2001-07-01 174014
2001-08-01 173318
2001-09-01 169865
2001-10-01 167118
2001-11-01 163695
2001-12-01 162211
2002-01-01 158662
2002-02-01 161129
2002-03-01 162107
2002-04-01 164427
2002-05-01 166034
2002-06-01 170401
2002-07-01 174800
2002-08-01 176128
2002-09-01 174111
2002-10-01 170634
2002-11-01 166933
2002-12-01 164825
2003-01-01 162878
2003-02-01 164273
2003-03-01 164530
2003-04-01 165860
2003-05-01 167474
2003-06-01 171473
2003-07-01 174063
2003-08-01 175405
2003-09-01 173540
2003-10-01 171005
2003-11-01 169313
2003-12-01 166403
2004-01-01 163337
2004-02-01 165168
2004-03-01 166118
2004-04-01 168646
2004-05-01 169361
2004-06-01 174190
2004-07-01 174867
2004-08-01 174899
2004-09-01 173318
2004-10-01 171469
2004-11-01 170462
2004-12-01 168133
2005-01-01 165246
2005-02-01 166858
2005-03-01 168749
2005-04-01 169355
2005-05-01 170380
2005-06-01 175270
2005-07-01 177488
2005-08-01 177694
2005-09-01 176301
2005-10-01 174330
2005-11-01 172872
2005-12-01 170328
2006-01-01 167977
2006-02-01 169853
2006-03-01 170913
2006-04-01 172944
2006-05-01 174485
2006-06-01 178239
2006-07-01 180887
2006-08-01 181707
2006-09-01 180636
2006-10-01 180008
2006-11-01 179776
2006-12-01 176271
2007-01-01 172583
2007-02-01 174508
2007-03-01 176092
2007-04-01 175898
2007-05-01 177358
2007-06-01 181378
2007-07-01 182433
2007-08-01 184168
2007-09-01 183324
2007-10-01 182092
2007-11-01 181810
2007-12-01 177884
2008-01-01 176254
2008-02-01 177430
2008-03-01 178977
2008-04-01 180411
2008-05-01 181183
2008-06-01 183216
2008-07-01 187697
2008-08-01 188858
2008-09-01 187928
2008-10-01 186701
2008-11-01 182059
2008-12-01 177269
2009-01-01 173601
2009-02-01 173373
2009-03-01 172736
2009-04-01 174489
2009-05-01 175331
2009-06-01 178277
2009-07-01 183763
2009-08-01 181132
2009-09-01 181217
2009-10-01 179752
2009-11-01 177500
2009-12-01 173272
2010-01-01 164844
2010-02-01 166533
2010-03-01 167366
2010-04-01 170147
2010-05-01 171128
2010-06-01 174089
2010-07-01 176219
2010-08-01 175647
2010-09-01 175327
2010-10-01 173949
2010-11-01 172443
2010-12-01 168530
2011-01-01 166070
2011-02-01 167712
2011-03-01 169246
2011-04-01 170231
2011-05-01 170188
2011-06-01 171759
2011-07-01 174107
2011-08-01 174348
2011-09-01 176214
2011-10-01 173235
2011-11-01 173461
2011-12-01 169037
2012-01-01 164841
2012-02-01 166871
2012-03-01 167143
2012-04-01 167833
2012-05-01 169242
2012-06-01 170216
2012-07-01 171196
2012-08-01 171318
2012-09-01 171489
2012-10-01 170844
2012-11-01 168256
2012-12-01 164251
2013-01-01 161277
2013-02-01 163462
2013-03-01 164525
2013-04-01 165738
2013-05-01 166719
2013-06-01 169138
2013-07-01 170888
2013-08-01 171351
2013-09-01 171941
2013-10-01 169077
2013-11-01 169377
2013-12-01 167668
2014-01-01 166069
2014-02-01 166439
2014-03-01 168705
2014-04-01 170272
2014-05-01 172038
2014-06-01 174420
2014-07-01 174600
2014-08-01 176280
2014-09-01 177290
2014-10-01 176893
2014-11-01 175426
2014-12-01 173196
2015-01-01 171718
2015-02-01 173725
2015-03-01 173945
2015-04-01 175484
2015-05-01 177611
2015-06-01 179361
2015-07-01 181565
2015-08-01 181228
2015-09-01 183004
2015-10-01 181799
2015-11-01 181159
2015-12-01 179866
2016-01-01 178507
2016-02-01 181547
2016-03-01 182832
2016-04-01 183888
2016-05-01 184954
2016-06-01 187097
2016-07-01 188343
2016-08-01 188089
2016-09-01 189548
2016-10-01 187955
2016-11-01 188151
2016-12-01 185527
2017-01-01 182378
2017-02-01 186007
2017-03-01 187270
2017-04-01 188916
2017-05-01 189634
2017-06-01 191879
2017-07-01 194113
2017-08-01 193484
2017-09-01 193449
2017-10-01 191163
2017-11-01 190177
2017-12-01 187943
2018-01-01 186826
2018-02-01 189120
2018-03-01 188733
2018-04-01 189046
2018-05-01 191241
2018-06-01 192992
2018-07-01 194259
2018-08-01 192834
2018-09-01 192305
2018-10-01 191520
2018-11-01 191264
2018-12-01 188957
2019-01-01 189049
2019-02-01 190414
2019-03-01 190456
2019-04-01 191158
2019-05-01 192607
2019-06-01 194741
2019-07-01 195697
2019-08-01 195377
2019-09-01 195390
2019-10-01 195640
2019-11-01 195528
2019-12-01 193329
2020-01-01 189433
2020-02-01 191686
2020-03-01 189690
2020-04-01 171365
2020-05-01 179204
2020-06-01 186307
2020-07-01 190068
2020-08-01 194792
2020-09-01 195125
2020-10-01 196926
2020-11-01 195791
2020-12-01 193865
2021-01-01 190307
2021-02-01 192801
2021-03-01 196005
2021-04-01 198103
2021-05-01 197673
2021-06-01 199300
2021-07-01 202879
2021-08-01 201220
2021-09-01 202066
2021-10-01 200867
2021-11-01 200794
2021-12-01 200166
2022-01-01 198488
2022-02-01 201339
2022-03-01 202157
2022-04-01 202549
2022-05-01 202411
2022-06-01 202772
2022-07-01 205388
2022-08-01 205430
2022-09-01 206840
2022-10-01 203344
2022-11-01 201060
2022-12-01 200935
2023-01-01 199365
2023-02-01 202174
2023-03-01 203015
2023-04-01 202721
2023-05-01 204226
2023-06-01 205272
2023-07-01 205665
2023-08-01 206769
2023-09-01 208283
2023-10-01 207453
2023-11-01 207238
2023-12-01 204808
2024-01-01 202737
2024-02-01 206232
2024-03-01 207953
2024-04-01 209418
2024-05-01 209818
2024-06-01 209531
2024-07-01 209294
2024-08-01 211328
2024-09-01 212426
2024-10-01 211803
2024-11-01 210577
2024-12-01 208839

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