Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Employed Persons in Bucks County, PA

Title Employed Persons in Bucks County, PA
Series ID LAUCN420170000000005
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release Unemployment in States and Local Areas (all other areas) (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Monthly
Units Persons
Date Range 1990-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Last Updated 2025-02-05 10:30 AM CST
Notes These data come from the Current Population Survey (CPS), also known as the household survey.

Civilian Labor Force includes all persons in the civilian noninstitutional population ages 16 and older classified as either employed or unemployed.

Employed persons are all persons who, during the reference week (the week including the 12th day of the month), (a) did any work as paid employees, worked in their own business or profession or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of their family, or (b) were not working but who had jobs from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job.

Unemployed persons are all persons who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment some time during the 4 week-period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed.

For more details, see the release's frequently asked questions.
1990-01-01 286560
1990-02-01 285389
1990-03-01 287124
1990-04-01 285149
1990-05-01 285910
1990-06-01 290366
1990-07-01 290695
1990-08-01 288867
1990-09-01 283433
1990-10-01 285289
1990-11-01 285112
1990-12-01 285752
1991-01-01 280992
1991-02-01 280343
1991-03-01 280130
1991-04-01 282872
1991-05-01 280814
1991-06-01 286825
1991-07-01 286019
1991-08-01 283654
1991-09-01 280300
1991-10-01 282501
1991-11-01 282489
1991-12-01 282629
1992-01-01 279330
1992-02-01 278605
1992-03-01 279901
1992-04-01 280300
1992-05-01 280142
1992-06-01 284947
1992-07-01 287657
1992-08-01 285603
1992-09-01 280592
1992-10-01 283669
1992-11-01 285038
1992-12-01 285749
1993-01-01 281905
1993-02-01 281905
1993-03-01 282458
1993-04-01 282345
1993-05-01 284762
1993-06-01 288589
1993-07-01 288533
1993-08-01 287670
1993-09-01 285116
1993-10-01 287778
1993-11-01 288740
1993-12-01 290327
1994-01-01 287354
1994-02-01 286861
1994-03-01 287398
1994-04-01 288282
1994-05-01 290228
1994-06-01 293582
1994-07-01 294322
1994-08-01 293727
1994-09-01 288354
1994-10-01 291892
1994-11-01 291803
1994-12-01 292717
1995-01-01 287977
1995-02-01 288672
1995-03-01 290395
1995-04-01 291100
1995-05-01 290548
1995-06-01 294381
1995-07-01 297025
1995-08-01 295601
1995-09-01 291889
1995-10-01 295424
1995-11-01 295463
1995-12-01 297148
1996-01-01 293338
1996-02-01 295077
1996-03-01 298186
1996-04-01 300359
1996-05-01 301605
1996-06-01 306415
1996-07-01 309674
1996-08-01 307498
1996-09-01 302317
1996-10-01 305400
1996-11-01 305615
1996-12-01 307379
1997-01-01 304225
1997-02-01 305428
1997-03-01 307687
1997-04-01 308361
1997-05-01 308874
1997-06-01 312723
1997-07-01 315471
1997-08-01 313967
1997-09-01 309363
1997-10-01 311962
1997-11-01 315381
1997-12-01 317557
1998-01-01 312659
1998-02-01 312747
1998-03-01 313806
1998-04-01 313624
1998-05-01 313822
1998-06-01 316943
1998-07-01 320736
1998-08-01 319648
1998-09-01 315945
1998-10-01 318047
1998-11-01 320071
1998-12-01 322477
1999-01-01 319502
1999-02-01 319158
1999-03-01 321472
1999-04-01 322122
1999-05-01 323520
1999-06-01 325406
1999-07-01 326288
1999-08-01 324053
1999-09-01 319001
1999-10-01 321798
1999-11-01 322727
1999-12-01 326121
2000-01-01 315134
2000-02-01 315299
2000-03-01 316706
2000-04-01 318855
2000-05-01 317087
2000-06-01 320223
2000-07-01 320313
2000-08-01 319627
2000-09-01 316882
2000-10-01 319308
2000-11-01 321452
2000-12-01 323938
2001-01-01 320495
2001-02-01 320401
2001-03-01 323207
2001-04-01 322463
2001-05-01 322773
2001-06-01 324909
2001-07-01 326977
2001-08-01 322091
2001-09-01 321329
2001-10-01 321127
2001-11-01 322947
2001-12-01 324099
2002-01-01 319346
2002-02-01 320673
2002-03-01 321237
2002-04-01 322538
2002-05-01 323428
2002-06-01 325329
2002-07-01 326745
2002-08-01 324812
2002-09-01 322472
2002-10-01 321925
2002-11-01 321633
2002-12-01 322165
2003-01-01 317705
2003-02-01 318178
2003-03-01 319684
2003-04-01 320596
2003-05-01 319573
2003-06-01 321331
2003-07-01 323283
2003-08-01 321338
2003-09-01 318778
2003-10-01 320198
2003-11-01 321770
2003-12-01 321787
2004-01-01 319238
2004-02-01 319433
2004-03-01 319660
2004-04-01 321624
2004-05-01 320264
2004-06-01 322021
2004-07-01 326903
2004-08-01 324016
2004-09-01 322653
2004-10-01 324268
2004-11-01 326260
2004-12-01 326888
2005-01-01 323608
2005-02-01 322623
2005-03-01 322892
2005-04-01 325611
2005-05-01 327239
2005-06-01 327665
2005-07-01 332718
2005-08-01 329034
2005-09-01 327385
2005-10-01 328774
2005-11-01 329807
2005-12-01 330794
2006-01-01 327597
2006-02-01 327835
2006-03-01 329014
2006-04-01 330994
2006-05-01 331104
2006-06-01 333380
2006-07-01 336217
2006-08-01 334140
2006-09-01 332602
2006-10-01 335155
2006-11-01 335544
2006-12-01 335425
2007-01-01 330432
2007-02-01 330218
2007-03-01 330411
2007-04-01 331120
2007-05-01 330951
2007-06-01 334318
2007-07-01 338349
2007-08-01 335704
2007-09-01 334274
2007-10-01 336055
2007-11-01 337795
2007-12-01 335815
2008-01-01 333856
2008-02-01 331711
2008-03-01 332888
2008-04-01 336965
2008-05-01 336574
2008-06-01 337472
2008-07-01 340115
2008-08-01 337704
2008-09-01 336399
2008-10-01 338401
2008-11-01 336635
2008-12-01 334637
2009-01-01 323140
2009-02-01 321336
2009-03-01 319284
2009-04-01 321511
2009-05-01 320182
2009-06-01 320716
2009-07-01 322455
2009-08-01 317972
2009-09-01 314712
2009-10-01 316724
2009-11-01 316778
2009-12-01 313863
2010-01-01 309010
2010-02-01 305723
2010-03-01 306382
2010-04-01 310882
2010-05-01 311896
2010-06-01 313907
2010-07-01 315531
2010-08-01 314148
2010-09-01 311857
2010-10-01 311717
2010-11-01 312186
2010-12-01 312218
2011-01-01 308947
2011-02-01 307408
2011-03-01 308411
2011-04-01 310328
2011-05-01 310959
2011-06-01 313214
2011-07-01 314506
2011-08-01 313778
2011-09-01 311923
2011-10-01 313246
2011-11-01 313943
2011-12-01 313369
2012-01-01 309257
2012-02-01 308289
2012-03-01 310371
2012-04-01 312006
2012-05-01 314020
2012-06-01 317499
2012-07-01 318357
2012-08-01 316674
2012-09-01 315346
2012-10-01 316861
2012-11-01 317019
2012-12-01 316179
2013-01-01 311547
2013-02-01 310446
2013-03-01 310859
2013-04-01 314107
2013-05-01 315422
2013-06-01 319268
2013-07-01 319139
2013-08-01 317064
2013-09-01 315009
2013-10-01 313212
2013-11-01 315223
2013-12-01 314462
2014-01-01 312271
2014-02-01 312206
2014-03-01 313917
2014-04-01 316245
2014-05-01 316563
2014-06-01 320558
2014-07-01 320458
2014-08-01 318642
2014-09-01 317313
2014-10-01 319275
2014-11-01 319572
2014-12-01 318594
2015-01-01 316307
2015-02-01 315910
2015-03-01 315725
2015-04-01 320569
2015-05-01 322170
2015-06-01 325433
2015-07-01 324954
2015-08-01 323443
2015-09-01 321610
2015-10-01 323757
2015-11-01 324539
2015-12-01 324992
2016-01-01 322752
2016-02-01 322687
2016-03-01 322928
2016-04-01 324767
2016-05-01 326345
2016-06-01 328951
2016-07-01 329862
2016-08-01 327907
2016-09-01 325733
2016-10-01 326226
2016-11-01 326279
2016-12-01 324997
2017-01-01 325869
2017-02-01 326038
2017-03-01 327084
2017-04-01 328995
2017-05-01 328879
2017-06-01 331305
2017-07-01 331477
2017-08-01 329118
2017-09-01 328844
2017-10-01 329495
2017-11-01 329245
2017-12-01 327258
2018-01-01 324963
2018-02-01 326001
2018-03-01 326760
2018-04-01 329618
2018-05-01 331760
2018-06-01 333624
2018-07-01 335676
2018-08-01 331585
2018-09-01 332924
2018-10-01 336060
2018-11-01 335505
2018-12-01 334565
2019-01-01 332754
2019-02-01 332603
2019-03-01 333176
2019-04-01 333722
2019-05-01 335412
2019-06-01 337953
2019-07-01 339250
2019-08-01 337248
2019-09-01 337621
2019-10-01 340099
2019-11-01 338411
2019-12-01 336974
2020-01-01 335138
2020-02-01 334428
2020-03-01 328885
2020-04-01 283485
2020-05-01 295414
2020-06-01 307201
2020-07-01 313977
2020-08-01 318209
2020-09-01 319295
2020-10-01 323985
2020-11-01 322314
2020-12-01 321391
2021-01-01 321338
2021-02-01 321704
2021-03-01 323874
2021-04-01 324957
2021-05-01 327473
2021-06-01 329449
2021-07-01 332051
2021-08-01 329951
2021-09-01 329312
2021-10-01 330547
2021-11-01 331053
2021-12-01 331004
2022-01-01 331820
2022-02-01 332821
2022-03-01 336896
2022-04-01 336375
2022-05-01 339312
2022-06-01 339446
2022-07-01 341018
2022-08-01 340358
2022-09-01 340660
2022-10-01 340432
2022-11-01 337499
2022-12-01 338910
2023-01-01 338286
2023-02-01 338334
2023-03-01 341843
2023-04-01 341464
2023-05-01 342806
2023-06-01 344828
2023-07-01 345363
2023-08-01 343724
2023-09-01 343515
2023-10-01 343988
2023-11-01 344293
2023-12-01 341808
2024-01-01 341254
2024-02-01 344034
2024-03-01 347989
2024-04-01 347288
2024-05-01 347126
2024-06-01 345602
2024-07-01 347160
2024-08-01 340325
2024-09-01 340648
2024-10-01 339360
2024-11-01 336484
2024-12-01 335230

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