Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Employed Persons in Seminole County, FL

Title Employed Persons in Seminole County, FL
Series ID LAUCN121170000000005
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release Unemployment in States and Local Areas (all other areas) (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Monthly
Units Persons
Date Range 1990-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Last Updated 2025-02-05 10:27 AM CST
Notes These data come from the Current Population Survey (CPS), also known as the household survey.

Civilian Labor Force includes all persons in the civilian noninstitutional population ages 16 and older classified as either employed or unemployed.

Employed persons are all persons who, during the reference week (the week including the 12th day of the month), (a) did any work as paid employees, worked in their own business or profession or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of their family, or (b) were not working but who had jobs from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job.

Unemployed persons are all persons who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment some time during the 4 week-period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed.

For more details, see the release's frequently asked questions.
1990-01-01 155565
1990-02-01 157091
1990-03-01 159255
1990-04-01 158613
1990-05-01 161807
1990-06-01 163920
1990-07-01 166119
1990-08-01 164947
1990-09-01 162533
1990-10-01 161958
1990-11-01 160535
1990-12-01 159503
1991-01-01 155858
1991-02-01 156029
1991-03-01 157565
1991-04-01 157886
1991-05-01 159764
1991-06-01 162010
1991-07-01 163365
1991-08-01 162267
1991-09-01 161626
1991-10-01 161638
1991-11-01 160010
1991-12-01 159675
1992-01-01 158120
1992-02-01 159132
1992-03-01 161880
1992-04-01 162303
1992-05-01 164577
1992-06-01 167012
1992-07-01 169741
1992-08-01 169617
1992-09-01 167832
1992-10-01 167187
1992-11-01 166473
1992-12-01 166778
1993-01-01 165011
1993-02-01 166653
1993-03-01 168941
1993-04-01 170875
1993-05-01 174991
1993-06-01 176776
1993-07-01 177095
1993-08-01 177445
1993-09-01 175805
1993-10-01 174877
1993-11-01 174271
1993-12-01 174687
1994-01-01 173897
1994-02-01 175003
1994-03-01 176543
1994-04-01 177711
1994-05-01 180747
1994-06-01 182054
1994-07-01 183259
1994-08-01 184484
1994-09-01 183883
1994-10-01 183303
1994-11-01 182868
1994-12-01 183201
1995-01-01 181200
1995-02-01 182745
1995-03-01 185240
1995-04-01 184093
1995-05-01 186593
1995-06-01 189292
1995-07-01 190779
1995-08-01 190748
1995-09-01 190433
1995-10-01 189651
1995-11-01 188542
1995-12-01 189109
1996-01-01 183239
1996-02-01 186014
1996-03-01 188282
1996-04-01 188015
1996-05-01 190909
1996-06-01 193842
1996-07-01 195647
1996-08-01 196091
1996-09-01 196770
1996-10-01 196792
1996-11-01 195193
1996-12-01 196169
1997-01-01 192704
1997-02-01 194369
1997-03-01 197076
1997-04-01 197344
1997-05-01 201391
1997-06-01 202745
1997-07-01 204606
1997-08-01 205424
1997-09-01 206012
1997-10-01 205500
1997-11-01 205667
1997-12-01 206692
1998-01-01 201724
1998-02-01 203903
1998-03-01 206432
1998-04-01 205872
1998-05-01 209290
1998-06-01 210727
1998-07-01 213477
1998-08-01 213711
1998-09-01 215488
1998-10-01 215133
1998-11-01 214216
1998-12-01 215136
1999-01-01 211767
1999-02-01 213115
1999-03-01 215863
1999-04-01 216849
1999-05-01 220296
1999-06-01 222787
1999-07-01 223499
1999-08-01 223409
1999-09-01 223984
1999-10-01 223544
1999-11-01 222675
1999-12-01 223735
2000-01-01 202415
2000-02-01 204158
2000-03-01 205434
2000-04-01 205062
2000-05-01 207153
2000-06-01 209190
2000-07-01 210108
2000-08-01 210438
2000-09-01 210904
2000-10-01 210709
2000-11-01 209282
2000-12-01 210707
2001-01-01 206289
2001-02-01 206761
2001-03-01 208867
2001-04-01 207412
2001-05-01 209395
2001-06-01 209306
2001-07-01 211070
2001-08-01 210059
2001-09-01 210363
2001-10-01 204284
2001-11-01 200891
2001-12-01 200216
2002-01-01 196195
2002-02-01 198826
2002-03-01 200350
2002-04-01 198975
2002-05-01 201849
2002-06-01 202584
2002-07-01 204614
2002-08-01 205169
2002-09-01 206369
2002-10-01 205614
2002-11-01 202945
2002-12-01 203317
2003-01-01 198584
2003-02-01 199358
2003-03-01 200599
2003-04-01 200625
2003-05-01 202109
2003-06-01 203302
2003-07-01 205078
2003-08-01 205588
2003-09-01 205839
2003-10-01 206456
2003-11-01 205820
2003-12-01 206507
2004-01-01 202370
2004-02-01 203144
2004-03-01 204543
2004-04-01 206002
2004-05-01 208705
2004-06-01 210228
2004-07-01 212792
2004-08-01 212165
2004-09-01 212529
2004-10-01 213987
2004-11-01 213373
2004-12-01 213648
2005-01-01 210937
2005-02-01 211406
2005-03-01 213785
2005-04-01 215402
2005-05-01 219140
2005-06-01 220103
2005-07-01 223240
2005-08-01 223719
2005-09-01 223576
2005-10-01 225147
2005-11-01 224202
2005-12-01 224543
2006-01-01 220595
2006-02-01 220639
2006-03-01 222828
2006-04-01 224523
2006-05-01 226799
2006-06-01 228083
2006-07-01 230003
2006-08-01 230454
2006-09-01 231160
2006-10-01 231616
2006-11-01 230397
2006-12-01 231849
2007-01-01 226640
2007-02-01 227364
2007-03-01 228783
2007-04-01 228994
2007-05-01 230963
2007-06-01 230869
2007-07-01 232766
2007-08-01 231928
2007-09-01 232308
2007-10-01 232287
2007-11-01 231867
2007-12-01 230798
2008-01-01 227635
2008-02-01 227772
2008-03-01 228852
2008-04-01 228417
2008-05-01 228908
2008-06-01 228586
2008-07-01 229567
2008-08-01 228775
2008-09-01 227312
2008-10-01 226629
2008-11-01 222895
2008-12-01 220773
2009-01-01 214920
2009-02-01 213692
2009-03-01 212961
2009-04-01 212993
2009-05-01 213263
2009-06-01 212623
2009-07-01 212897
2009-08-01 212212
2009-09-01 211307
2009-10-01 210165
2009-11-01 208453
2009-12-01 207221
2010-01-01 197941
2010-02-01 198901
2010-03-01 200954
2010-04-01 204219
2010-05-01 206125
2010-06-01 206790
2010-07-01 208220
2010-08-01 208920
2010-09-01 209064
2010-10-01 208079
2010-11-01 206528
2010-12-01 206428
2011-01-01 202776
2011-02-01 203432
2011-03-01 205314
2011-04-01 205681
2011-05-01 207733
2011-06-01 207615
2011-07-01 208804
2011-08-01 209186
2011-09-01 210309
2011-10-01 209574
2011-11-01 208398
2011-12-01 208357
2012-01-01 203653
2012-02-01 205308
2012-03-01 207004
2012-04-01 207500
2012-05-01 210511
2012-06-01 211127
2012-07-01 212410
2012-08-01 212158
2012-09-01 214460
2012-10-01 215067
2012-11-01 213446
2012-12-01 213118
2013-01-01 209439
2013-02-01 211275
2013-03-01 212580
2013-04-01 213392
2013-05-01 216628
2013-06-01 217788
2013-07-01 218871
2013-08-01 219233
2013-09-01 220184
2013-10-01 218655
2013-11-01 217890
2013-12-01 217809
2014-01-01 216398
2014-02-01 217864
2014-03-01 219826
2014-04-01 219499
2014-05-01 222313
2014-06-01 222981
2014-07-01 223627
2014-08-01 224050
2014-09-01 225102
2014-10-01 224763
2014-11-01 222675
2014-12-01 222503
2015-01-01 219187
2015-02-01 220396
2015-03-01 221682
2015-04-01 223165
2015-05-01 226239
2015-06-01 227194
2015-07-01 227822
2015-08-01 228207
2015-09-01 229193
2015-10-01 229074
2015-11-01 227894
2015-12-01 228835
2016-01-01 226106
2016-02-01 228419
2016-03-01 229476
2016-04-01 229615
2016-05-01 232501
2016-06-01 233240
2016-07-01 234668
2016-08-01 234659
2016-09-01 236194
2016-10-01 235462
2016-11-01 233770
2016-12-01 233904
2017-01-01 229554
2017-02-01 231881
2017-03-01 233440
2017-04-01 234326
2017-05-01 235899
2017-06-01 237467
2017-07-01 237553
2017-08-01 236778
2017-09-01 239643
2017-10-01 239072
2017-11-01 238049
2017-12-01 238321
2018-01-01 234523
2018-02-01 236722
2018-03-01 237648
2018-04-01 238350
2018-05-01 240208
2018-06-01 241270
2018-07-01 242437
2018-08-01 241349
2018-09-01 243474
2018-10-01 244336
2018-11-01 242511
2018-12-01 241551
2019-01-01 237879
2019-02-01 240850
2019-03-01 241487
2019-04-01 242000
2019-05-01 243582
2019-06-01 244913
2019-07-01 245842
2019-08-01 246298
2019-09-01 247861
2019-10-01 247791
2019-11-01 246551
2019-12-01 246771
2020-01-01 244306
2020-02-01 246565
2020-03-01 239098
2020-04-01 196435
2020-05-01 193772
2020-06-01 201191
2020-07-01 208585
2020-08-01 214280
2020-09-01 216711
2020-10-01 221503
2020-11-01 222987
2020-12-01 223092
2021-01-01 221333
2021-02-01 224064
2021-03-01 226387
2021-04-01 228680
2021-05-01 230757
2021-06-01 233550
2021-07-01 237462
2021-08-01 239667
2021-09-01 242200
2021-10-01 244679
2021-11-01 245321
2021-12-01 246272
2022-01-01 247264
2022-02-01 249833
2022-03-01 252628
2022-04-01 253311
2022-05-01 255190
2022-06-01 256599
2022-07-01 258504
2022-08-01 259887
2022-09-01 261863
2022-10-01 262007
2022-11-01 260032
2022-12-01 260682
2023-01-01 260077
2023-02-01 262248
2023-03-01 264214
2023-04-01 265477
2023-05-01 266368
2023-06-01 267763
2023-07-01 267269
2023-08-01 267797
2023-09-01 268610
2023-10-01 268339
2023-11-01 267467
2023-12-01 266695
2024-01-01 265566
2024-02-01 265943
2024-03-01 266369
2024-04-01 265447
2024-05-01 265059
2024-06-01 265444
2024-07-01 264773
2024-08-01 264461
2024-09-01 265258
2024-10-01 264179
2024-11-01 262306
2024-12-01 263730

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