Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Hours Worked for Retail Trade: Florists (NAICS 453110) in the United States

Title Hours Worked for Retail Trade: Florists (NAICS 453110) in the United States
Series ID IPUHN453110L010000000
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release Industry Productivity
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Annual
Units Index 2017=100
Date Range 1987-01-01 to 2023-01-01
Last Updated 2024-04-26 9:14 AM CDT
Notes Labor hours are measured as annual hours worked by all workers, including wage and salary workers, unincorporated self-employed workers, and unpaid family workers, in the production of goods and services.
1987-01-01 244.083
1988-01-01 231.342
1989-01-01 249.421
1990-01-01 266.722
1991-01-01 245.043
1992-01-01 225.010
1993-01-01 217.581
1994-01-01 239.518
1995-01-01 243.018
1996-01-01 229.049
1997-01-01 233.872
1998-01-01 237.240
1999-01-01 217.948
2000-01-01 215.710
2001-01-01 228.644
2002-01-01 195.239
2003-01-01 191.591
2004-01-01 185.005
2005-01-01 172.080
2006-01-01 152.617
2007-01-01 173.058
2008-01-01 147.928
2009-01-01 122.454
2010-01-01 119.510
2011-01-01 100.937
2012-01-01 112.152
2013-01-01 110.043
2014-01-01 125.814
2015-01-01 116.768
2016-01-01 102.449
2017-01-01 100.000
2018-01-01 95.368
2019-01-01 94.633
2020-01-01 84.608
2021-01-01 103.567
2022-01-01 91.715
2023-01-01 101.787

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