Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Educational Services Earnings in Indiana

Title Educational Services Earnings in Indiana
Source U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Release Personal Income by State
Seasonal Adjustment Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate
Frequency Quarterly
Units Thousands of Dollars
Date Range 1998-01-01 to 2024-07-01
Last Updated 2024-12-20 9:14 AM CST
1998-01-01 1049176
1998-04-01 1051324
1998-07-01 1086824
1998-10-01 1091772
1999-01-01 1115456
1999-04-01 1129520
1999-07-01 1162432
1999-10-01 1205220
2000-01-01 1268240
2000-04-01 1336124
2000-07-01 1244024
2000-10-01 1269248
2001-01-01 1281688
2001-04-01 1328420
2001-07-01 1368668
2001-10-01 1399624
2002-01-01 1471228
2002-04-01 1481596
2002-07-01 1498140
2002-10-01 1534776
2003-01-01 1513108
2003-04-01 1541340
2003-07-01 1540832
2003-10-01 1612076
2004-01-01 1644328
2004-04-01 1667608
2004-07-01 1690656
2004-10-01 1726124
2005-01-01 1681292
2005-04-01 1731244
2005-07-01 1813760
2005-10-01 1885896
2006-01-01 1948524
2006-04-01 1963108
2006-07-01 1979956
2006-10-01 1980900
2007-01-01 2060648
2007-04-01 2094652
2007-07-01 2133896
2007-10-01 2158116
2008-01-01 2164740
2008-04-01 2200316
2008-07-01 2265660
2008-10-01 2301500
2009-01-01 2344300
2009-04-01 2358744
2009-07-01 2387204
2009-10-01 2450220
2010-01-01 2431336
2010-04-01 2487476
2010-07-01 2479708
2010-10-01 2530920
2011-01-01 2528492
2011-04-01 2573968
2011-07-01 2667900
2011-10-01 2640712
2012-01-01 2739508
2012-04-01 2768032
2012-07-01 2730720
2012-10-01 2773688
2013-01-01 2748424
2013-04-01 2751764
2013-07-01 2770832
2013-10-01 2810792
2014-01-01 2874216
2014-04-01 2930160
2014-07-01 2978796
2014-10-01 2971916
2015-01-01 2947444
2015-04-01 2940588
2015-07-01 2974144
2015-10-01 3009840
2016-01-01 3059920
2016-04-01 3125420
2016-07-01 3111060
2016-10-01 3100820
2017-01-01 3071724
2017-04-01 3022736
2017-07-01 3027976
2017-10-01 3080992
2018-01-01 3102976
2018-04-01 3165424
2018-07-01 3172760
2018-10-01 3205692
2019-01-01 3247396
2019-04-01 3292260
2019-07-01 3360364
2019-10-01 3354180
2020-01-01 3331476
2020-04-01 3158911
2020-07-01 3195183
2020-10-01 3322298
2021-01-01 3366193
2021-04-01 3430820
2021-07-01 3516463
2021-10-01 3653456
2022-01-01 3539609
2022-04-01 3724047
2022-07-01 3848060
2022-10-01 3866540
2023-01-01 3917844
2023-04-01 3944568
2023-07-01 4015976
2023-10-01 4107348
2024-01-01 4248991
2024-04-01 4215667
2024-07-01 4344099

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