Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for Jasper County, MS

Title Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for Jasper County, MS
Source U.S. Census Bureau
Release Homeownership Rate (Not a Press Release)
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Annual
Units Rate
Date Range 2009-01-01 to 2023-01-01
Last Updated 2024-12-12 9:20 AM CST
Notes The homeownership rate is computed by dividing the estimated total population in owner-occupied units by the estimated total population (ACS 5-year variables B25008_002E and B25008_001E from table B25008, respectively).

A housing unit is owner-occupied if the owner or co-owner lives in the unit, even if it is mortgaged or not fully paid for. A housing unit is classified as occupied if it is the current place of residence of the person or group of people living in it at the time of interview, or if the occupants are only temporarily absent from the residence for two months or less (e.g., on vacation or a business trip). If all the people staying in the unit at the time of the interview are staying there for two months or less, the unit is considered to be temporarily occupied and classified as "vacant."

Multiyear estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) are "period" estimates derived from a data sample collected over a period of time, as opposed to "point-in-time" estimates such as those from past decennial censuses. ACS 5-year estimate includes data collected over a 60-month period. The date of the data is the end of the 5-year period. For example, a value dated 2014 represents data from 2010 to 2014. However, they do not describe any specific day, month, or year within that time period.

Multiyear estimates require some considerations that single-year estimates do not. For example, multiyear estimates released in consecutive years consist mostly of overlapping years and shared data. The 2010-2014 ACS 5-year estimates share sample data from 2011 through 2014 with the 2011-2015 ACS 5-year estimates. Because of this overlap, users should use extreme caution in making comparisons with consecutive years of multiyear estimates.

Please see "Section 3: Understanding and Using ACS Single-Year and Multiyear Estimates" on publication page 13 (file page 19) of the 2018 ACS General Handbook for a more thorough clarification.
2009-01-01 86.20515411824154
2010-01-01 84.73464173731274
2011-01-01 84.86480159194663
2012-01-01 81.91281717631750
2013-01-01 82.18301435406698
2014-01-01 83.73802494426702
2015-01-01 84.32844858907593
2016-01-01 85.35178777393311
2017-01-01 85.78017843053955
2018-01-01 86.59536975147354
2019-01-01 87.40794839023796
2020-01-01 85.56430446194226
2021-01-01 86.40646029609691
2022-01-01 87.04296442201156
2023-01-01 84.79662698412699

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