Table Data - Output-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Lesotho
Title | Output-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Lesotho |
Source | University of Groningen, University of California, Davis |
Release | Penn World Table 10.01 |
Seasonal Adjustment | Not Seasonally Adjusted |
Frequency | Annual |
Units | Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars |
Date Range | 1960-01-01 to 2019-01-01 |
Last Updated | 2021-11-08 1:33 PM CST |
Notes |
1960-01-01 | 717.0235595703125 |
1961-01-01 | 743.5335693359375 |
1962-01-01 | 884.5712280273438 |
1963-01-01 | 987.4537963867188 |
1964-01-01 | 1059.6224365234375 |
1965-01-01 | 1087.5312500000000 |
1966-01-01 | 1162.1694335937500 |
1967-01-01 | 1267.4425048828125 |
1968-01-01 | 1277.9652099609375 |
1969-01-01 | 1278.8858642578125 |
1970-01-01 | 1334.6774902343750 |
1971-01-01 | 1247.9080810546875 |
1972-01-01 | 1534.8576660156250 |
1973-01-01 | 1865.8295898437500 |
1974-01-01 | 1906.5758056640625 |
1975-01-01 | 1895.5791015625000 |
1976-01-01 | 2237.5681152343750 |
1977-01-01 | 2486.7751464843750 |
1978-01-01 | 2780.8820800781250 |
1979-01-01 | 2539.3540039062500 |
1980-01-01 | 2228.5759277343750 |
1981-01-01 | 2323.9777832031250 |
1982-01-01 | 2501.0046386718750 |
1983-01-01 | 2473.4062500000000 |
1984-01-01 | 2553.3154296875000 |
1985-01-01 | 2674.5258789062500 |
1986-01-01 | 2772.7131347656250 |
1987-01-01 | 3004.0822753906250 |
1988-01-01 | 3445.4648437500000 |
1989-01-01 | 3780.2145996093750 |
1990-01-01 | 3963.3085937500000 |
1991-01-01 | 4209.0893554687500 |
1992-01-01 | 4026.9338378906250 |
1993-01-01 | 4480.1577148437500 |
1994-01-01 | 4496.0122070312500 |
1995-01-01 | 4758.4584960937500 |
1996-01-01 | 5247.6054687500000 |
1997-01-01 | 5389.8051757812500 |
1998-01-01 | 4756.5122070312500 |
1999-01-01 | 4829.2260742187500 |
2000-01-01 | 4802.6494140625000 |
2001-01-01 | 5110.6806640625000 |
2002-01-01 | 5192.2944335937500 |
2003-01-01 | 5299.4921875000000 |
2004-01-01 | 5310.6103515625000 |
2005-01-01 | 5412.7822265625000 |
2006-01-01 | 5587.8540039062500 |
2007-01-01 | 5442.6293945312500 |
2008-01-01 | 5943.5112304687500 |
2009-01-01 | 5922.4482421875000 |
2010-01-01 | 5296.0654296875000 |
2011-01-01 | 5309.4121093750000 |
2012-01-01 | 5679.7895507812500 |
2013-01-01 | 5997.9960937500000 |
2014-01-01 | 6358.4985351562500 |
2015-01-01 | 6879.8227539062500 |
2016-01-01 | 6714.3520507812500 |
2017-01-01 | 6344.6240234375000 |
2018-01-01 | 5691.6762695312500 |
2019-01-01 | 5820.8750000000000 |