Table Data - Expenditure-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Malaysia
Title | Expenditure-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Malaysia |
Source | University of Groningen, University of California, Davis |
Release | Penn World Table 10.01 |
Seasonal Adjustment | Not Seasonally Adjusted |
Frequency | Annual |
Units | Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars |
Date Range | 1955-01-01 to 2019-01-01 |
Last Updated | 2021-11-08 1:33 PM CST |
Notes |
1955-01-01 | 19873.572265625 |
1956-01-01 | 19862.755859375 |
1957-01-01 | 19359.113281250 |
1958-01-01 | 18719.564453125 |
1959-01-01 | 22349.744140625 |
1960-01-01 | 24887.183593750 |
1961-01-01 | 24925.767578125 |
1962-01-01 | 26037.769531250 |
1963-01-01 | 26961.382812500 |
1964-01-01 | 28534.759765625 |
1965-01-01 | 31236.966796875 |
1966-01-01 | 32870.218750000 |
1967-01-01 | 33145.335937500 |
1968-01-01 | 34147.925781250 |
1969-01-01 | 37486.875000000 |
1970-01-01 | 39379.835937500 |
1971-01-01 | 46590.257812500 |
1972-01-01 | 48607.273437500 |
1973-01-01 | 58173.128906250 |
1974-01-01 | 64135.753906250 |
1975-01-01 | 60549.398437500 |
1976-01-01 | 72361.679687500 |
1977-01-01 | 78723.640625000 |
1978-01-01 | 83174.570312500 |
1979-01-01 | 94193.742187500 |
1980-01-01 | 103049.671875000 |
1981-01-01 | 104183.609375000 |
1982-01-01 | 109877.031250000 |
1983-01-01 | 118521.992187500 |
1984-01-01 | 130636.523437500 |
1985-01-01 | 125468.585937500 |
1986-01-01 | 114894.101562500 |
1987-01-01 | 125402.289062500 |
1988-01-01 | 138575.078125000 |
1989-01-01 | 149457.078125000 |
1990-01-01 | 161439.859375000 |
1991-01-01 | 176745.343750000 |
1992-01-01 | 193444.265625000 |
1993-01-01 | 214162.796875000 |
1994-01-01 | 234067.640625000 |
1995-01-01 | 258401.000000000 |
1996-01-01 | 283857.406250000 |
1997-01-01 | 302658.531250000 |
1998-01-01 | 288137.437500000 |
1999-01-01 | 308841.843750000 |
2000-01-01 | 333827.843750000 |
2001-01-01 | 330317.343750000 |
2002-01-01 | 353442.250000000 |
2003-01-01 | 382665.562500000 |
2004-01-01 | 418299.375000000 |
2005-01-01 | 454720.906250000 |
2006-01-01 | 487219.468750000 |
2007-01-01 | 524662.625000000 |
2008-01-01 | 588679.125000000 |
2009-01-01 | 573022.562500000 |
2010-01-01 | 614990.187500000 |
2011-01-01 | 675154.125000000 |
2012-01-01 | 716465.812500000 |
2013-01-01 | 716395.687500000 |
2014-01-01 | 744663.937500000 |
2015-01-01 | 762711.125000000 |
2016-01-01 | 778469.250000000 |
2017-01-01 | 814839.250000000 |
2018-01-01 | 850123.562500000 |
2019-01-01 | 889645.812500000 |