Table Data - Expenditure-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Bahrain
Title | Expenditure-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Bahrain |
Source | University of Groningen, University of California, Davis |
Release | Penn World Table 10.01 |
Seasonal Adjustment | Not Seasonally Adjusted |
Frequency | Annual |
Units | Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars |
Date Range | 1970-01-01 to 2019-01-01 |
Last Updated | 2021-11-08 1:36 PM CST |
Notes |
1970-01-01 | 3527.990966796875 |
1971-01-01 | 3586.717041015625 |
1972-01-01 | 3946.464355468750 |
1973-01-01 | 4570.629394531250 |
1974-01-01 | 4969.887695312500 |
1975-01-01 | 4366.898925781250 |
1976-01-01 | 6328.970703125000 |
1977-01-01 | 6473.736328125000 |
1978-01-01 | 6475.554687500000 |
1979-01-01 | 7683.593750000000 |
1980-01-01 | 9039.638671875000 |
1981-01-01 | 8568.089843750000 |
1982-01-01 | 7673.569335937500 |
1983-01-01 | 7991.728027343750 |
1984-01-01 | 9006.447265625000 |
1985-01-01 | 6870.928222656250 |
1986-01-01 | 6426.816406250000 |
1987-01-01 | 6350.523925781250 |
1988-01-01 | 7285.938964843750 |
1989-01-01 | 7572.837402343750 |
1990-01-01 | 8339.216796875000 |
1991-01-01 | 8613.366210937500 |
1992-01-01 | 9178.813476562500 |
1993-01-01 | 9816.926757812500 |
1994-01-01 | 9778.411132812500 |
1995-01-01 | 10234.242187500000 |
1996-01-01 | 10134.272460937500 |
1997-01-01 | 11100.016601562500 |
1998-01-01 | 10850.369140625000 |
1999-01-01 | 12991.190429687500 |
2000-01-01 | 17483.384765625000 |
2001-01-01 | 19044.265625000000 |
2002-01-01 | 19396.046875000000 |
2003-01-01 | 23740.595703125000 |
2004-01-01 | 27769.250000000000 |
2005-01-01 | 37047.050781250000 |
2006-01-01 | 42420.523437500000 |
2007-01-01 | 48939.070312500000 |
2008-01-01 | 57119.941406250000 |
2009-01-01 | 52726.531250000000 |
2010-01-01 | 61040.253906250000 |
2011-01-01 | 69332.218750000000 |
2012-01-01 | 75188.515625000000 |
2013-01-01 | 74443.343750000000 |
2014-01-01 | 72085.281250000000 |
2015-01-01 | 65566.546875000000 |
2016-01-01 | 64752.601562500000 |
2017-01-01 | 71572.742187500000 |
2018-01-01 | 73610.156250000000 |
2019-01-01 | 73728.828125000000 |