Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Average Price: Utility (Piped) Gas per Therm in the West Census Region - Size Class B

Title Average Price: Utility (Piped) Gas per Therm in the West Census Region - Size Class B
Series ID APUB40072620
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release Average Price Data
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Monthly
Units U.S. Dollars
Date Range 1978-11-01 to 1988-12-01
Last Updated 2019-07-29 9:32 AM CDT
Notes All piped gas.

Average consumer prices are calculated for household fuel, motor fuel, and food items from prices collected for the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Average prices are best used to measure the price level in a particular month, not to measure price change over time. It is more appropriate to use CPI index values for the particular item categories to measure price change.

Prices, except for electricity, are collected monthly by BLS representatives in the 75 urban areas priced for the CPI. Electricity prices are collected for the BLS for the same 75 areas on a monthly basis by the Department of Energy using mail questionnaires. All fuel prices include applicable Federal, State, and local taxes; prices for natural gas and electricity also include fuel and purchased gas adjustments.

For more information, please visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
1978-11-01 0.254
1978-12-01 0.256
1979-01-01 0.262
1979-02-01 0.262
1979-03-01 0.262
1979-04-01 0.273
1979-05-01 0.309
1979-06-01 0.315
1979-07-01 0.325
1979-08-01 0.325
1979-09-01 0.324
1979-10-01 0.358
1979-11-01 0.329
1979-12-01 0.335
1980-01-01 0.350
1980-02-01 0.353
1980-03-01 0.378
1980-04-01 0.382
1980-05-01 0.464
1980-06-01 0.481
1980-07-01 0.494
1980-08-01 0.510
1980-09-01 0.492
1980-10-01 0.510
1980-11-01 0.427
1980-12-01 0.459
1981-01-01 0.437
1981-02-01 0.427
1981-03-01 0.442
1981-04-01 0.440
1981-05-01 0.517
1981-06-01 0.508
1981-07-01 0.557
1981-08-01 0.445
1981-09-01 0.562
1981-10-01 0.515
1981-11-01 0.506
1981-12-01 0.432
1982-01-01 0.449
1982-02-01 0.441
1982-03-01 0.426
1982-04-01 0.410
1982-05-01 0.580
1982-06-01 0.559
1982-07-01 0.599
1982-08-01 0.562
1982-09-01 0.588
1982-10-01 0.592
1982-11-01 0.533
1982-12-01 0.533
1983-01-01 0.554
1983-02-01 0.567
1983-03-01 0.567
1983-04-01 0.569
1983-05-01 0.639
1983-06-01 0.670
1983-07-01 0.686
1983-08-01 0.687
1983-09-01 0.666
1983-10-01 0.660
1983-11-01 0.560
1983-12-01 0.560
1984-01-01 0.545
1984-02-01 0.550
1984-03-01 0.568
1984-04-01 0.570
1984-05-01 0.668
1984-06-01 0.664
1984-07-01 0.662
1984-08-01 0.667
1984-09-01 0.655
1984-10-01 0.653
1984-11-01 0.550
1984-12-01 0.547
1985-01-01 0.534
1985-02-01 0.536
1985-03-01 0.501
1985-04-01 0.534
1985-05-01 0.668
1985-06-01 0.625
1985-07-01 0.668
1985-08-01 0.667
1985-09-01 .
1985-10-01 0.653
1985-11-01 0.509
1985-12-01 0.499
1986-01-01 0.509
1986-02-01 0.514
1986-03-01 0.509
1986-04-01 0.509
1986-05-01 0.624
1986-06-01 0.624
1986-07-01 0.624
1986-08-01 0.623
1986-09-01 0.567
1986-10-01 0.566
1986-11-01 0.448
1986-12-01 0.448
1987-01-01 0.497
1987-02-01 0.497
1987-03-01 0.497
1987-04-01 0.497
1987-05-01 0.618
1987-06-01 0.630
1987-07-01 0.630
1987-08-01 0.630
1987-09-01 0.647
1987-10-01 0.647
1987-11-01 0.543
1987-12-01 0.542
1988-01-01 0.572
1988-02-01 0.572
1988-03-01 0.491
1988-04-01 0.575
1988-05-01 0.689
1988-06-01 0.689
1988-07-01 0.702
1988-08-01 0.702
1988-09-01 0.702
1988-10-01 0.702
1988-11-01 0.649
1988-12-01 0.649

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